It’s really hard for good people to stand by in these circumstances, I guess. I suppose on some level we believe that the person who is being obnoxious doesn’t realise it, and will benefit from having it pointed out to them, although they must already know they are taking out their frustrations inappropriately, and are not going to welcome feedback on their behaviour! Great advice on how to handle it, thank you for that.

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I can't stand watching bullies - just can't stomach it. I'd get involved but...with an understanding that I'm choosing to enter something with an unknown outcome in some ways. There are situations where you'd want to bite your lip as it won't always be playing out in a way that's safe for you.

Everything's "situational" as they say - the guy described here is a trope of sorts, there are loads male, female - certain types that are almost completely predictable.

Note I say "almost"...

A problem though is the conviction on both sides that our opinion needs to be heard at all times and that's usually what starts things - the Twitter Effect...

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